
Do it again on day two

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Lazy Learners.”

I’ve always wanted to run. I enjoy it when I realize I went from one point to another by just using my legs. I enjoy it when I see people busy doing their morning chores – it makes me an observant and a participant in the environment at the same time. Much like watching a movie but you experience what the characters are doing 🙂

But sadly I only get to run on good days, and by good days I mean when everything falls perfectly – if I get a good night’s rest, if I wake up early (because the sun gets too hot if it’s 7 am), and if I have a nice full breakfast. Add to that is when I don’t get overwhelmed in the morning by the things I have to do throughout the day.

I want to make running a habit but I think the problem is I’m waiting for the perfect timing to do it, when I should just be doing it. I gotta get off my mind and start doing it, no questions asked 🙂

a track in my uni :)

                        a track in my uni 🙂

I mean I always get to do it from time to time, but the most difficult thing in forming a habit is having to do it on day two. And that’s where I usually find it hard, even on other things I want to start. I always get to do it day one, but not on day two -___-

Lazy Learners